About me
I am a KTH doctoral student, working with Prof. Aristides Gionis on signed graph mining and with Prof. Alexandre Proutiere on graph bandits. For the former, I work with explict pattern mining. For the latter, I focus on the computational aspect of combiantorial bandits.
Education and Work Experience
- 2020-2024: doctoral student in KTH, Sweden
- Dec 6th, 2024: I defended my PhD. Here’s my thesis
- 50% seminar: slides with Aditya Bhaskara as the opponent
- Teaching Assistant: DD2421 (Machine Learning) taught by Atsuto Maki and DD2434 (Advanced Machine Learning)
- 2018-2019: R&D Software Engineer, AI+R department, Microsoft, Taiwan
- 2018: Research Assistant, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan (supervisor: Chi-Jen Lu)
- 2011-2017: Bachlor & Master Degree in Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan
- Teaching Assistant: Large-Scale Machine Learning taught by Shan-Hung Wu
Professional Activities
Reviewers for NeurIPS, ICML, AISTATS, and ECML/PKDD, and PC Members for SDM and PAKDD
- 2022-2024: $16,000 USD per year for Taiwanese PhD Study Abroad Scholarship
- 2015: $225,000 NTD for Exchange Student Scholarship to TU Dresden
- 2013: $800 HKD for 6th place at Tsing Hua-HKUST Competitive Programming Contest
- 2012: $1,000 NTD for female prize at Coding God Competition
- 2012: $24,000 NTD for Summer Scholarship on Error-Correcting Codes in Mathematics Academia Sinica
- 2011-2012: $8,000 NTD for Outstanding Academic Achievement Award